Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Octane’s new XT-One cross trainer is designed with variety in mind

Octane Fitness has introduced the commercial XT-One cross trainer, designed to let exercisers walk, run, hike or climb through a range of engaging and varied workouts.

With 10 incline levels, the XT-One offers a choice of hiking or steep climbing, which can be selected and changed during workouts to maximise endurance, strength, power and calorie-burning.

The machine automatically adjusts itself to suit the user’s stride pace and length from 20 inches to 28 inches as part of Octane’s SmartStride interactive ergonomics.

The cross trainer has thirty resistance levels and 17 workouts, and Octane’s Workout Boosters – X-Mode, GlutePower and ArmBlaster – facilitate cross-training and specific muscle use.

Also available on the machine, Octane’s Cross Circuit program combines cardio and strength interval training for personalised conditioning effectiveness and efficiency.

Health clubs can choose from a range of technology options on the XT-One to best accommodate their members.

The console options include the Smart Console with 10 inch capacitive touch screen with internet browsing, streaming video and mobile device charging. Also available is the Standard Console with intuitive LED display, integrated capacitive buttons, mobile device charging and soon to include Octane’s free SmartLink app for customised workout regimens and progress tracking.

The entertainment options include a personal viewing screen at 15 inches wide with television, movie and entertainment selections and integrated keypad controls, or a wireless TV receiver compatible with Cardio Theater, BroadcastVision and MYe Entertainment.

Designed to be smooth and ergonomically correct with heavy-duty construction and attention to quality, the XT-One uses a linkage system for quieter operation and easier maintenance.

“The XT-One gives exercisers a virtually infinite number of biomechanically correct movement patterns for greater variety and better results,” said Mark Lowder, vice president of international sales at Octane Fitness.

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